About Us
Quincy After School Child Care (QCARE), Inc. is a non-profit organization providing licensed care for school aged children, kindergarten through thirteen years old within nine Quincy elementary schools.
Created by former Mayor Francis X. McCauley and the Mayor’s Commission on The Status of Women, we started operation in 1987 with one program which served thirteen children in the Montclair School. Since then, our school age program has grown and become a separate 501(c)(3) non-profit organization that offers school age programs in nine Quincy elementary schools. We offer a variety of programs including school year after school care, February and April vacation programs, as well as a summer program at the Lincoln Hancock school.

The QCARE core values are:





Our Vision
To provide the highest quality and most affordable child care and enrichment programs for all Quincy children.
Our Mission
Our mission is to provide affordable child care and enrichment services of the highest quality through innovative and carefully crafted programs that are governed by qualified, nurturing and passionate caregivers.

Statement of Purpose
The purpose of Quincy After School Child Care (QCARE), Inc. is to provide quality school age programs in a group setting. Our program focuses on education, nutrition, health, cultural enrichment, social learning and social services for children of families who reside in Quincy, Massachusetts.