QCARE offers after school enrichment programs for children who are in kindergarten through age thirteen.
Our programs operate as soon as school is dismissed (including early release days) until 5:30pm, providing nurturing care and opportunities for educational fun and social play each afternoon.
We offer services at nine Quincy Elementary Schools and can support some middle school students at those locations on a case-by-case basis. Please view all locations here.
We are now enrolling for the 2024-2025 school year wherever spots are available. If a spot is not available at your school, you will be notified that you have been placed on the waitlist for care.
We are also accepting requests for care for all future school years. If you request care for a year other than the current program year, you will be placed on a future registration waiting list. After enrolled families preregister, we begin program enrollment for future programs by contacting families on the waiting lists on a first-come, first-served basis. Learn more about registration below.

Step One:
Complete the Request for Care Form Below
Complete all sections below as accurately and completely as possible to start the process of registering with QCARE. A member of the QCARE registration team will communicate via phone or email once the form is received. If care is immediately available, we will continue the registration process as soon as possible. If care is not available or you are starting the registration process for a future program, you will be notified that you have been placed on a waiting list.

Step Two:

After submitting this form, it will be reviewed by a QCARE registration specialist. If you are submitting your interest in a future program your information will be added to our waiting list for the corresponding year.
If you are attempting to register for immediate care (or after school care beginning in the fall during the summer months), a team member will contact you as soon as possible to either proceed with registration or discuss your status on the waiting list.
If a spot is available and registration can move forward, you will be sent a link via email to complete the Child File Application online, which requires the payment a $75.00 registration fee to confirm enrollment. After your online Child File Application is completed, our team will finalize enrollment, confirm your start date and meet to discuss your child’s needs and answer any questions you have.
For more information about registration or to view the complete QCARE enrollment policy, please review the registration section of the QCARE Parent/Guardian Handbook or contact the QCARE main office at 617-773-3299. We are always happy to answer your questions.